1. Construction Planning & Designing
Development of initial idea, timeframe and allocation of responsibilities
With qualified engineers, architects and all appropriate scientists we develop the initial idea and produce a construction plan with all our actions for its implementation.
Study and construction design of project
In collaboration with the design team and those in charge of the project construction, we seek the best outcome up to the final implementation study.

2. Construction Management

Construction Costs and Detailed Budget Analysis Report
Based on our knowledge of building materials and all services relevant to a construction development, we can accurately budget the construction costs of any project.
Construction Work Schedule
Driven by the need for speed and the wish to coordinate construction works in the best possible way, we determine the time required for the execution of each construction project.
Human and Material Resources Management
With our experience in managing a large number of highly complex construction projects, we are able to coordinate all project players.
3. Construction Development
Monitoring of Construction Timeframe
20-year experience in a wide range of construction projects with rigorous time schedules.
Construction Financial Management
We are able to establish low construction costs and budgets due to the company's available own funds, select partners and reputation for solvency in the market.
We have an organised construction accounting department and collaborate with qualified accountants.
Project Construction
- Highly trained executives and thorough organisation.
- Full range of mechanical equipment.
- Well-established scientific and professional competence and know-how.
- Familiarisation with a wide variety of building materials and construction methods.
Control of Construction Process
Compliance with all ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance forms and procedures.
Safety in the Workplace
Compliance with all OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety procedures.
Environmental Protection
Compliance with all OHSAS14001 environmental management procedures.